Bitdefender and Avira provide top-of-the-line malware protection with real-time protection, as well as ransomware protection. They’re also extremely easy to use, which means even novices to cybersecurity can be up and running in a short time. Additionally, both offer many additional features like an VPN or file shredder. additional privacy protections and one-click optimization.
Avira and Bitdefender have both scored excellent scores from independent testing laboratories. In this round, Bitdefender wins due to its superior performance on the AV Comparatives’ Performance Test. This test evaluates the impact security software has on in find a computer’s performance. Its low score means that it operates in the background, not slowing down your computerwhich is in contrast to some of its rivals.
AV-Comparatives examines the effect of each product’s performance on the system, such as when performing regular computer tasks like browsing websites, downloading or copying files. Bitdefender was the only competitor to pass this test with an unblemished score. Avira was a close second.
Both companies provide a high level of customer support. Avira has a helpful knowledge base and YouTube channel, while Bitdefender offers a complete support hub with a telephone number, live chat, email support and video tutorials. The support hub is arranged by product so that you can get the assistance you need.