The author, Kristi Coulter, engages the reader with her deep insight and quick wit. This combination makes her story heartening, funny, and thought-provoking at the same time. Coulter shares her struggles with alcohol use and also the challenges of getting sober. This is a very refreshing book in the world of recovery memoirs. She thought the normal people who could drink casually were lucky. She wasn’t self-medicating and was able to truly feel her feelings and live honestly.
It explains how alcohol affects human beings on a chemical, physiological, and psychological level, from those first drinks right up to chronic alcoholism…. A definite self-help book, this one is for those who like a plan of action best books for alcoholics to stick to. Core learnings include how to self-diagnose alcohol dependence, medications and strategies to help deal with cravings, as well as providing details for the best, free support to help maintain your progress over time.
‘The Clinic and Elsewhere: Addiction, Adolescents, and the Afterlife of Therapy’ by Todd Meyers
Caught between worries about her dying father and her ill husband, a woman quite literally snags her clothes and her mind on cactus needles in the California desert. As she walks, Broder’s protagonist considers the novel she’s writing — about a woman, caught between her dying father and her ill husband. Escher and Thich Nhat Hanh made installation art, but because it’s Broder, author of the hilariously dark oddball novel “Milk Fed,” the boundary-pushing hallucinatory musings make sense. Brene Browns book The Gifts of Imperfection (or any of her subsequent books) get to the core of our struggles with worthiness, perfectionism, shame, and ultimately the courage to be our true selves. Browns books are a pleasure to read — full of real-life stories and humor, in addition to her solid research.
Quit Like a Woman takes a groundbreaking look at America’s obsession with alcohol. It explores how society’s perception and targeted marketing campaigns keeps groups of people down while simultaneously putting money into “Big Alcohol’s” pockets. Whitaker’s book offers a road map of non-traditional options for recovery. It is well-researched, educational, informative, and at times mind-blowing.
books to add to your reading list in October
It is at once a feminist novel and one that celebrates love that endures—but, most importantly, love based on equality. From the list on
Victorian stories that have lessons for today. By now, readers can get a sense of where my recommendations are going with all of this. Life in the West was hard, and alcohol and drugs were turned to (often) to help reduce the pain, discomfort, and loneliness of living in the western United States.
I had to read this book in small doses because it was so intense. Through reading this book I came to better understand myself, my body’s physical reactions, and my mental health. It’s a tough book to read due to the descriptions of horrific traumas people have experienced, however it’s inspirational in its message of hope. Van der Kolk describes our inner resilience to manage the worst of life’s circumstances with our innate survival instinct. We can survive and even thrive despite the traumas we have endured.
Why did Karen love this book?
Supporting a loved one through addiction and recovery is incredibly challenging. Reading the right books will help, but consider getting help for your journey as the spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, or friend of an addicted person. Contact Olympus Recovery to learn your options and discover what resources are available for you.
Reading this Middle East expert’s account of a Palestinian worker and activist and the death of his angelic 5-year-old son, Milad, is tough — and necessary. The bus accident that took the boy’s life in 2012 was caused in no small part by the neglected infrastructure that makes Palestinian Jerusalem a miserable, dangerous place to live. By narrowing the focus to one family’s loss, Thrall humanizes the consequences of systemic decay. Critic Bethanne Patrick recommends 10 promising titles, fiction and nonfiction, to consider for your October reading list. I highly recommend this book if youre feeling stuck in your marriage or have had a series of unfulfilling relationships.
But it’s possible to help your friend or loved one and still maintain your boundaries, and this book, written by addiction psychology expert Dr. Andrew Proulx, offers a starting place. This book includes three fictional short stories that aim to help readers better understand the perspectives of people living with severe substance use disorders. Grace analyzes how addiction happens and dissects the relationship between drinking and pleasure, assuring readers that recovery isn’t just a difficult process — it’s a path to happiness. We’ve included books written by people who have experienced addiction themselves and professionals who have experience treating SUDs, addiction, and working with people in recovery. Here’s a great book – well, recovery guide – is a must-read if your child is an alcoholic or addict. It’ll help you learn how you can consistently practice self-care, so that you don’t slide down a dark path yourself.