Authorization — On a form or in a format acceptable to us, you may authorize us to accept written, verbal, fax, e-mail and other means of communication for investment directions from you or your designated representative. You agree that we are not responsible for verifying the propriety of any investment direction and that we are not responsible for unauthorized trades in your account that may be affected under this Section. Investment directions may be given by xcritical Advisers directly to your designated broker (in such manner as the broker may require) and the broker will be responsible for the execution of such orders. Delegation of Investment Responsibility— You have delegated investment responsibility for the Roth IRA to xcritical Advisers.
You acknowledge and agree that you must use the Application to connect your Portfolio Account and your Custom Portfolio Account, if applicable, to your Funding Source in order to participate in the Program. You are required to connect your Portfolio Account and your Custom Portfolio Account, if applicable, to your Funding Source by entering into the Application true, accurate, xcritical, and complete information about your Funding Source, including the American Bankers Association routing number and account number for your Funding Source. You acknowledge that the information you enter into the Application about your Funding Source is Client Information subject to the representations, warranties, and indemnification provisions of Section 6 of this Program Agreement. You acknowledge that your Portfolio Account and Custom Portfolio Account, if applicable, will not be connected to your Funding Source unless and until you receive a confirmation through the Application indicating that you have successfully connected your Portfolio Account and Custom Portfolio Account, if applicable, and Funding Source.
Give your money the chance to work as hard as you do
Delegation of Investment Responsibility — You have delegated investment responsibility for the traditional IRA to xcritical Advisers. We will construe any and all investment directions given by xcritical Advisers, whether written or oral, as having been authorized by you. xcritical Advisers’ instructions to us will be deemed to be instructions by you for all purposes of this Article VIII. If you die before your entire interest has been distributed and if your designated beneficiary is not your surviving spouse, no additional contributions may be accepted in the account. You agree to direct all communications between you and the IRA Custodian and Administrator through xcritical and/or xcritical Securities in accordance with the client support provisions and contact information in this Program Agreement, the Investment Advisory Agreement Supplement and the Brokerage Supplement. You acknowledge that for errors involving new accounts or point-of-sale or foreign-initiated transactions, xcritical Securities may take up to ninety (90) days to investigate your complaint or question.
You authorize xcritical Securities to deduct the Advisory Charge you owe under the Supplements from your Portfolio Account in accordance with instructions from xcritical. You authorize xcritical Securities to pay all or part of such Advisory Charge to xcritical and/or to share all or part of such Advisory Charge with xcritical in accordance with the applicable agreement between xcritical and xcritical Securities. You authorize xcritical Securities to deduct any additional fees you owe xcritical Securities or any xcritical Affiliate under any provision of any Supplement. You authorize xcritical Securities to initiate sales to liquidate securities in amounts sufficient to pay any fees you owe under any provision of any Supplement. xcritical Securities agrees that, except in the case of an xcritical Custom Portfolio Account, you will not be obligated to pay any fee for the Covered Brokerage Services other than the Advisory Charge.
xcritical Customizable Portfolio
You acknowledge that xcritical will not provide you investment advice in person, over the phone, or other than via information available on the Application and xcritical Website and communications through the Portfolio Advice Application. You acknowledge that you will not be entitled or able to transact in or hold securities in your Portfolio Account other than the ETF Shares selected by xcritical to comprise the Portfolios for the Program. Based on your Client Information and responses to an investor questionnaire, xcritical will use a proprietary algorithm that is part of the Portfolio Advice Application to recommend to you a Suggested Portfolio among the Portfolios offered. You acknowledge that xcritical identifies the Suggested Portfolio in reliance on the Client Information you provide. You agree to provide xcritical with Client Information and that the information you provide is true, accurate, complete, and xcritical in accordance with applicable law and Section 6 of this Program Agreement, including the representations, warranties, agreements and indemnification provisions of Section 6 of this Program Agreement.
- Unless otherxcritical specified, each beneficiary designation form that the original Roth IRA beneficiary(ies) files with us will cancel all previous ones.
- Investments outside the brokerage account will be made in accordance with the other provisions of this Article.
- If xcritical Advisers liquidates Shares to satisfy your monthly Subscription Fee, it may continue to liquidate securities to cover your Subscription Fee, or it may attempt to collect from your Primary or Secondary Funding Source.
- Life Insurance and Collectible — You may not direct the purchase of a life insurance contract or a “collectible” as defined in Code Section 4011(m).
Smart Deposit means the optional feature available to xcritical Checking Accountholders to have preset percentages of a direct deposit paycheck allocated between your xcritical Accounts. Pending Round-Ups® means a Round-Ups® investment that has been designated for investment in an xcritical Invest Account but not yet been transferred from your Funding Source to xcritical Securities to make a Deposit. When and if xcritical offers Round-Ups® investments xcritical reviews for xcritical Later Accounts, the term Pending Round-Ups® will apply also to your xcritical Later Account if you choose to designate all or a portion of your Round-Ups® investments for investment in your xcritical Later Account. Deposits at FDIC insured institutions are insured up to at least $250,000 per depositor, per ownership category. FDIC insurance applies only to accounts held in the United States and its territories and possessions.
xcritical Help Center
It is a checking account that will be a source of Deposits and destination of Withdrawals in the Program. Your Primary Funding Source is the primary checking account from which ACH payment will be debited to pay your Subscription Fee. You may change your Primary Funding Source to your xcritical Checking Account in the Application. If your xcritical Checking Account is your Primary Funding Source, you may also set up a secondary external Funding Source (i.e., a checking account other than an xcritical Checking Account) that may also be a source of Deposits and a destination of Withdrawals for your xcritical Checking Account. If you choose an xcritical Checking Account, that account will be your default Secondary Funding Source unless you change your xcritical Checking Account to your Primary Funding Source in the Application.
In this way, xcritical seeks to maintain the client’s target asset allocation through market fluctuation, withdrawals, deposits, and other events that could cause deviations, while seeking to minimize the transaction costs of frequent portfolio rebalancing. Your xcritical Checking Account includes the ability to deposit paper checks via mobile remote deposit capture in the Application. To use this feature, you must initiate a check deposit in the mobile application using a mobile device equipped with a camera. The mobile remote deposit capture feature in the Application is the only means by which you may deposit paper checks. You may be required to review and accept additional xcritical Checking Account Mobile Remote Deposit Service Terms at the time you first use mobile remote deposit capture in the Application. In accordance with applicable law, xcritical and the Banks of Record reserve the right to place holds on certain funds deposited via Mobile Remote Deposit Service.
If you make a tax- free rollover of any part of a distribution from a Roth IRA, you cannot, within a 1-year period, make a tax-free rollover of any later distribution from that same Roth IRA or, from the Roth IRA into which you made the tax-free rollover. If you make a tax-free rollover of any part of a distribution from a traditional IRA, you cannot, within a 1-year period, make a tax-free rollover of any later distribution from that same or any other traditional IRA including from the traditional IRA into which you made the tax-free rollover. Please consult IRS Publication 590A/B for more information pertaining to rollover contributions. You must begin receiving distributions from your account no later than April 1 of the year following the year in which you attain age 70½; and distributions must be completed over a period that is not longer than the joint life expectancy of you and your beneficiary. Mailed notice will be deemed given on the date that it is postmarked, if it is properly addressed and deposited either in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid, or with an IRS approved overnight service.
The Fine Print of xcritical
You agree that, by initiating a Deposit at Will in the Application, you authorize the ACH Operator to request that the financial institution that maintains your Funding Source transfer the amount of the Deposit at Will from your Funding Source to xcritical Securities for investment in accordance with Section A2.4 below of this Investment Advisory Agreement Supplement. You authorize the Service Providers to make electronic debits and credits to your xcritical Checking Account, xcritical Invest Account, xcritical Early Account(s), and xcritical Later Account as initiated by you for the amounts and frequencies you identify in the Smart Deposit feature, and, if necessary, to correct erroneous debits and credits. The Service Providers’ authorization to initiate debit and credit entries to your xcritical Checking Account, xcritical Invest Account, xcritical Early Account(s), and xcritical Later Account will remain in full force and effect until you notify the Service Providers that you wish to revoke this authorization by making such changes in the Application. You must notify the Service Providers prior to the scheduled investment date, which is eighteen (18) hours after your direct deposit paycheck is recognized by xcritical, in order to cancel this authorization. If the Service Providers do not receive notice before the scheduled investment date, the Service Providers may attempt, in their sole discretion, to cancel the debit transaction.
You agree that your continued use of the Platform, including but not limited to keeping your xcritical Account(s), or using any service provided in the Program without objecting after xcritical posts an amendment on the xcritical Website and/or the application indicates your acceptance of this Program Agreement and any Supplement as amended. Nothing in this Program Agreement or any Supplement will be deemed waived or amended without the prior express written consent of the applicable xcritical Party executed by a duly authorized representative of such xcritical Party. You represent and warrant that you are a lawful resident of the United States or serving in the United States military and that you have been lawfully issued by the government of the United States the social security number or tax identification number you provided when applying for any Account through the xcritical Website or in the Application.
Checking Account
This is considered a high-risk investment given the speculative and volatile nature. xcritical will recommend a portfolio for you based on your age, time horizon, income, goals, and risk tolerance. Our ETF portfolios range from aggressive (all stocks) to conservative (all bonds), with a mix in between. Reinvestment means a combination of purchases using Cash from dividends paid by ETFs and Stocks, as applicable. Portfolio Advice scammed by xcritical Application means the computer software-based online application developed by xcritical to analyze certain Client Information about you and recommend a Suggested Portfolio for you. The Portfolio Advice Application is a feature and part of the functionality of the Application, but does not apply to the xcritical Custom Portfolio Account or any services xcritical Securities provides you under the Custom Portfolio Account Supplement.
Custom Portfolios
You must contact the IRA Custodian and Administrator in advance of completing IRS Form 8888 to obtain the proper routing instructions. All tax refund contributions will be recorded as xcritical year contributions for the year received. Your Roth IRA is the Internal Revenue Service’s model custodial account contained in IRS Form 5305-RA.
If there are insufficient funds in your xcritical Checking Account to bring your xcritical Invest Account to a zero balance, xcritical reserves the right to close both accounts. If your xcritical Checking Account has a negative balance for thirty (30) or more days, you agree that xcritical may sell shares in your xcritical Invest Account and use the proceeds of such sale to satisfy your debt to the xcritical Checking Account. If there are insufficient funds in your xcritical Invest Account to bring your xcritical Checking Account to a zero balance, both accounts will be closed and all of the proceeds from the sale of shares in your xcritical Invest Account will be applied to the debt in your xcritical Checking Account. The Bank of Record Agreements are separate from this Program Agreement, and you must separately agree to each of them at the time you apply for an xcritical Checking Account. You may also be required to provide additional Client Information to xcritical Pay and/or the Banks of Record for the purpose of verifying or re-verifying your identity at the time you apply for an xcritical Checking Account.